Hans-Ola Ericsson - The musician

Hans-Ola Ericsson is a versatile musician whose career as a concert organist has taken him to concert stages all over the world, including the Nordics, the Baltics, most of Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea and China. He has a broad repertoire with a particular focus on 20th-century and contemporary music, as well as baroque music with a deep anchoring in the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. His recordings, especially the acclaimed collection of Olivier Messiaen's organ works, have received international recognition and attention. In addition to his performances, Ericsson has collaborated with prominent composers such as John Cage, György Ligeti and Bengt Hambraeus, further enriching his musical expression and contributing to his status as a leading figure in organ music.

From a concert in Örgryte Nya Kyrka
together with Dror Feiler

From Immaculée Conception in Montreal.
Nicolaus Bruhns: Prelude in e


Sheng (Malmö Audioproduktion MAP R 8606)

Together with Helén Jahren, oboe.
B Hambraeus: Sheng
J Johansson: Einige Veränderungen II
R Martinsson: Lontano

Organo con forza (Phono Suecia PS CD 31, double CD)

H-O Ericsson: Melody to the Memory of a Lost Friend XIII, for organ and tape (1985)
S Hanson: ”Es ist genug...” (1985)
G Ligeti: Etude no 1, Harmonies (1967)
R P Scott: Austreibung, for a singing organist (1979/80, rev 1982)
Lützow-Holm: L’ieu d’ad Orgue, for organ and tape (1979/80 and 1985)
J W Morthenson: Encores (1962, rev 1973)
S-D Sandström: ”Befria mig ur friheten! All denna frihet!” (1980) R P Scott: Songs for Dr G (1983, rev 1984-85 and -86)
A Mellnäs: Disparitions (1971)
D Feiler: Golá (1985)
T Ungvary: Interactions no 2, for organ and tape (1970/79)

Vol 1:

L’Ascension (1934);
Le Banquet Céleste (1926/28);
Apparition de l’Eglise Éternelle (1932);
Diptyque (1930).
(BIS-CD 409)

Vol 2:

La Nativité du Seigneur (1935).
(BIS-CD 410)

Vol 3:

Messe de la Pentecôte; Livre d’orgue.
(BIS-CD 441)

Vol 4:

Les Corps glorieux; Verset pour la fête de la Dedicace.
(BIS-CD 442)

Vol 5:

Meditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité.
(BIS-CD 464)

Vol 6:

Livre du Saint-Sacrement.
(BIS-CD 491/492)

The Organ Music by Arnold Schönberg and György Ligeti (BIS-CD 509).

A Schönberg: Variations on a theme
A Scönberg: Rezitativ
G Ligeti: Harmonies
G Ligeti Coulees
G Frescobaldi
G Ligeti: Hommaga a Frescobaldi

Organ Music from the U.S.A. ( BIS-CD 510)

C Ives: Variations on ’America’ for organ (1891)
C Ives: ’Adeste Fidelis’ In an Organ Prelude (1897)
A Copland: Preamble (For a Solemn Occasion)
A Copland: Episode
M Feldman: Principal Sound
J Cage: Some of ’The Harmony of Maine

20th Century Music for Trumpet and Organ (BIS-CD 565)

Hans-Ola Ericsson, organ and Anthony Plog, trumpet.
1. P Eben: Okna (1980)
2. A Plog: Four Themes on Paintings of Edward Munch (1990)
3. A Hovhannes: Prayer of St Gregory, Op 62b (1946)
4. V Persichetti: The Hollow Men (1944)
5. A Jolivet: Arioso barocco (1968)
6. D Lowry: Suburban Measures (1991)

Baltic Organ Music (BIS-CD 561)

A Pärt: Annum per annum
M K Ciurlionis: Fugue in C sharp minor
M K Ciurlionis: Chorale Fugue in A minor on ’Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir’
P Süda: Prelude and Fugue in G minor
I Zemzaris: Pastorales for Summer Flute
P Vasks: Te Deum
B Kutavicius: Sonata ’Ad Patres’

The Complete Organ Music by Beethoven and the Complete Works for a Musical Clock by Haydn

(BIS-CD 609)

Kalevi Aho: Symphony no 8

(BIS-CD 646)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ, Lahti Symphony Orchestra,
Osmo Vänskä, Conductor.

C P E Bach: The Complete Sonatas for Flute and Obbligato Keyboard

(BIS-CD 755/756)
Together with Lena Weman, Baroque Flute.

The Complete Organ Music by Beethoven and the Complete Works for a Musical Clock by Haydn

(BIS-CD 609)

Royal Music for a Royal Instrument (BIS CD 1103) .

Andreas Düben: Praeludium Pedaliter; Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält.
Melchior Schildt: Gleichwie das Feuer; Paduana Lachrymae.
Gustav Düben: [Suite]: Praeludium; Allemande; Courante; Sarabande.
Andreas Düben/Martin Düben: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr.
Martin Düben: Praeludium; Erstanden ist der heilig Christ; Praeludium Pedaliter.
Anonymous: Frantzösches Liedelein Ex. G.
Johann Rudolph Radeck: Courant. Saraband Ex. A.
Heinrich Scheidemann: Englische Mascarada oder Judentanz.
(Gustav?) Düben: Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren.

Symphonic Organ Music, Vol 1

(BIS CD 1101)
Jean Sibelius: Intrada, Op.111a (1925); Surusoitto (Funeral Music),
Op.111b (1931); Avaushymni (Opening Hymn) and Surumarssi
(Marche funebre) (1927) from "Masonic Ritual Music", Op.113.
Antonin Dvorak: Preludes and Fugues (1859).
Alexander Glazunov: Prelude and Fugue in D major, Op.93 (1906-07);
Prelude and Fugue in D minor, Op.98 (1914); Fantasy, Op.110 (1934-35).

Symphonic Organ Music Vol 2

(BIS-CD 1102)
Ottorino Respighi: Preludio in re minore (1910); Preludio in la minore
sopra un Corale di Bach "Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt";
Preludio in si bemolle minore sopra un Corale di Bach "In dich hab' ich gehoffet, Herr"
Charles Gounod: Offertoire.
Vincenzo Bellini: Organ Sonata in G major
Bedrich Smetana: Sest Preludii pro varhany (Six Preludes for Organ)
Sir Edward Elgar: Vesper Voluntaries, Op.14; Cantique, Op.3 No.1

Hans-Ola Ericsson - The Four Beasts´Amen

(BIS-SACD 1486)
The Four Beasts´ Amen. Mass for organ and electronics based on texts by Olov Hartman
Melody to the Memory of a Lost Friend XIII, for organ and electronics
Canzon del Principe. An intabulation on an intabulation for organ and electronics (Don Carlo Gesualdo)
from Höga Visan (Song of Songs), a church opera (together with Susanne Rydén soprano and Tommy Björk, percussion) Flügeltûren Vocalise

Bengt Hambraeus

Apocalipsis cum figuris secundum Dürer 1498 (1987)
Motetum Archangeli Michaelis (1967)
(BIS-CD 1048)
Olle Sköld, Bass
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ
Swedish Radio Choir
Stefan Parkman, Conductor

Hans-Ola Ericsson spielt Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach, Dieterich Buxtehude, César Franck, Nicolas de Grigny, Oskar Lindberg und Torsten Nilsson.

(OBV CD001)
Anonymus: Batalha de 6. ton
Dieterich Buxtehude: „Nun freut euch lieben Christen g’mein“
Torsten Nilsson: Linguae tamquam ignis
Nicolas de Grigny: Récit de tièrce en Taille
Johann Sebastian Bach : Toccata in E
Oskar Lindberg : Gammal fäbodspalm från Dalarna
Cesar Franck: Choral Nr 3, a-moll
Johann Sebastian Bach/Virgil Fox: Komm, süsser Tod
Anonymus: Batalla famossa

John Cage – Organ2/ASLSP

(Organum Ogm 250085)
As SLow aS Possible
Christoph Bossert & Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Joël-Francois Durand – La terre et le feu

(mode 139)
Les raisons des forces mouvantes
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Messiaen — The Complete Music for Organ

Including the posthumous works:
Offrande au Saint Sacrement

Ö Fahlström: ”Animations”, Concert for Organ and Big Band.

(Phono Suecia PSCD 75)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ, Norrbotten Big
Band, Örjan Fahlström, Conductor

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Early Organ Works
(EUCD 66, Euridice, Norway)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Complete Chorale Partitas (2 CD:s)
(EUCD 67, Euridice, Norway)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Orgelbüchlein (2 CD:s)
(EUCD 68, Euridice, Norway)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Trio Sonatas for organ in Chamber Ensemble Setting
(EUCD 69, Euridice, Norway)
Lena Weman, Flute and Viola da Gamba
Anna Lindal, Violin
Mikko Perkola, Viola da Gamba
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Harpsichord and Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Complete Flute Sonatas (2 CD:s)
(EUCD 70, Euridice, Norway)
Lena Weman, Flute
Mikko Perkola, Viola da Gamba
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Harpsichord and Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Late organ Works (2 CD:s)
(EUCD 71, Euridice, Norway)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Dritter Teil der Clavierübung (2 CD:s)
(EUCD 72, Euridice, Norway)
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Organ

Johann Sebastian Bach:

Johann Sebastian Bach: Musikalisches Opfer
(EUCD 73, Euridice, Norway)
Lena Weman, Flute
Anna Lindal, Violin
Mikko Perkola, Viola da Gamba
Hans-Ola Ericsson, Harpsichord and Organ

Laurentiusorgel, Frankfurt-Bergen-Enkheim

Hans-Ola Ericsson plays works by:
Bach, Messiaen, Olsson, cage, Codex
Robertsbridge, Steigleder,
Mellnäs/Ericsson, Wagner/Liszt

Olivier Messiaen’s Complete Works for Organ (JADE)
Hans-Ola Ericsson plays Livre du Saint-Sacrement.

Ericsson, Hans-Ola: Musik für Orgel und Tonband (Hochschule für Künste, Bremen)
”De fyra varelsernas Amen” ”Melody to the Memory of a Lost Friend XIII”


Who is Hans-Ola Ericsson?

Hans-Ola Ericsson is a versatile artist active as a concert organist, pedagogue, composer and visual artist. He was born in 1958 in Stockholm

What are Hans-Ola Ericsson's main musical activities?

He is active as a concert organist throughout the world focusing on music from the 20th century, music of our own time and baroque music, especially the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. He has also made several award-winning recordings.

What educational assignments has Hans-Ola Ericsson had?

Ericsson has been a professor at several schools of music, including the School of Music in Piteå at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden and the Schulich School of Music at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

What are Hans-Ola Ericsson's contributions as an expert in organ issues and project management?

He has been involved as an expert in several organ projects and also led several
significant projects such as the Övertorneå project and the construction of the
symphonic organ in Studio Acusticum in Piteå.

What has Hans-Ola Ericsson achieved as a composer?

Ericsson has an extensive list of works and has composed works that stretch from the mid-1970s until today. One of his famous works is " The Amen of the Four beasts" a Mass for organ and electronics from the year 2000.
